Friday, 12 August 2011

Fox&Squirrel launch ‘The Personal Online Fashion Walk’

Due to the success of the Lifestyle walks in London, Fox&Squirrel, launch ‘The Personal Online Fashion Walk’, a fashion ramble through cyber space. Fox&Squirrel provide a personalised and bespoke virtual experience through web based boutiques and unique e-commerce fashion sites of the Internet, allowing a wider audience to experience Fox&Squirrel’s service.

Fox&Squirrel acknowledge that many of us do not have the luxury to window shop, to try on clothes, to rummage through rails in London’s hidden retail gems, and some of us do not even live in London to experience the capital’s fashion scene.

For these reasons and due to a growing number of requests from past Fox&Squirrel clients both nationally and internationally Fox&Squirrel have launched a personal online fashion walk. This service is offered online and takes on a double role: that of a virtual guide though boutiquey e-commerce sites, as well as a stylist consultation. With the help of a questionnaire, Fox&Squirrel stylists curate a walk comprising of online boutiques. In the form of a personal newsletter, Fox&Squirrel introduce the customer to a variety of undiscovered websites.

At the same time the stylist element of the service ensures that each personalised newsletter includes items that have been carefully selected to suit each individual customer and advice on how to wear them. This service allows customers who are not based in London nor have the time to attend a Fox&Squirrel walk to still experience the same service.